Friday, March 27, 2015

Courageous leader

Courageous Leader

Courageous leaders are brave because they:

Take action

(Sterling, 2015)

They have the ability and willingness to take the action. They don’t wait for someone else to do the work. Every action that they take can significantly influence the outcome of their success, along with their employees/members.

Stay the course

(Ntuli, 2013)

No matter how tough it gets, no matter how much tension or pressure you face, stay the course and hang in there.  Sometimes if you stay the course long enough and hard enough the sun will break through the clouds and things will happen for you. Trust yourself,  at the end you will see the success.

Take risks
(L'Atelier, 2013)

Remember that the future belongs to the risk takers. There is no greatness in life amongst those who avoid taking risks. Now that doesn’t mean that you have to risk life, and everything you own. It just means that you take considered risks in the direction of moving forward.
Do everything possible to minimize risks.  Consider the worst possible outcome but then dare to go forward.  Perhaps no other quality distinguishes leaders from non-leaders than their willingness and their daring to push forward. (Tracy, 2015)

L'Atelier. (2013, February). Atelier. Retrieved from Innovation:Company Leaders Must Be Prepared to Take Risks:
Ntuli, L. (2013). More than 140 characters. Retrieved from Stay The Course:
Sterling, S. (2015). Steph Sterling. Retrieved from Stop Lying to Yourself and Start Taking Action:
Tracy, B. (2015). Brain Tracy. Retrieved from Develop Ladership Qualities Courageous People:

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