Friday, March 27, 2015

Good Leaders Exercise Creativity

Creativity is often defined as the ability to bring something new or different into existence. The more you put effort of what you’re doing the more you can get after you’ve done it. Creative thinking needs you to constantly dig deep into yourself and generate more, newer, better, faster, inexpensive, different ideas that you can use to develop the important parts of your life.

The question is, how to be creative? Here are some ways of Brian Tracy said in his blog:

Ask questions, by asking a lot of questions because of your curiosity will find you a way to think deeper. Once you create your questions, like “what is the purpose of this project?” or “what can we add more to pursue our goal?” Simple questions lead to creative ideas that you never thought it would be.

Change your mind, the words of the truly flexible person, the person who is willing to change are simply saying, “I changed my mind.” According to researchers, fully 70% of the decisions we make turn out to be wrong in the long run. This means that we must be willing to change our mind and try something new. Mental flexibility is the most important quality that you will need for success nowadays.

Creative thinkers are goal oriented, they know exactly what they want. They have it written down clearly what’s in their mind. Visualizing on a regular basis that they think it’s a good idea. Imagining what their goal would look like if it were a reality today. The more individual visualizing and imagining their goal as a reality, the more creative they become and the closer reaching it.

Generates new ideas, the greater the quantity of ideas that you generate, the greater the quality your ideas will be. Quality is better than quantity. The more ideas you have, the more you able to create ways to reach your goal. Your ability to come up with an idea, to test it and validate it, and then to use it from creative thinking and perform it in your life to achieve results.

Every single time you think of a new idea, write it down, make a plan for it through creative thinking and then take action. The more you manage your creativity in this way, the smarter you will become.

Tracy, B. (2014). Brain Tracy. Retrieved from 7 Qualities of Creative Thinkers:

Courageous leader

Courageous Leader

Courageous leaders are brave because they:

Take action

(Sterling, 2015)

They have the ability and willingness to take the action. They don’t wait for someone else to do the work. Every action that they take can significantly influence the outcome of their success, along with their employees/members.

Stay the course

(Ntuli, 2013)

No matter how tough it gets, no matter how much tension or pressure you face, stay the course and hang in there.  Sometimes if you stay the course long enough and hard enough the sun will break through the clouds and things will happen for you. Trust yourself,  at the end you will see the success.

Take risks
(L'Atelier, 2013)

Remember that the future belongs to the risk takers. There is no greatness in life amongst those who avoid taking risks. Now that doesn’t mean that you have to risk life, and everything you own. It just means that you take considered risks in the direction of moving forward.
Do everything possible to minimize risks.  Consider the worst possible outcome but then dare to go forward.  Perhaps no other quality distinguishes leaders from non-leaders than their willingness and their daring to push forward. (Tracy, 2015)

L'Atelier. (2013, February). Atelier. Retrieved from Innovation:Company Leaders Must Be Prepared to Take Risks:
Ntuli, L. (2013). More than 140 characters. Retrieved from Stay The Course:
Sterling, S. (2015). Steph Sterling. Retrieved from Stop Lying to Yourself and Start Taking Action:
Tracy, B. (2015). Brain Tracy. Retrieved from Develop Ladership Qualities Courageous People:

Be Inspirational Leader

The inspirational leader feels passionate about the goal of the organization. He or she is also able to share that the desire enables others to feel passionate, too. The nature of the goal is critical for enabling others to feel as if their work has determination and meaning beyond the responsibilities they perform each day.

Talking to people about your passion is not enough. You also need to listen. To experience inspiration, people also need to feel part of it. Inclusion goes beyond the listening and feedback; for real inclusion, people need to feel intimately connected to the actions and process that are leading to the accomplishment of the goals or the decision.

Important to inspiration is the honesty of the person leading. They must believe in you. For example in a workplace, employees look up to a person who tells the truth, tries to do the right things, lives a good life and does their best. Leader’s action play out on the stage of your organization.

An inspirational leader gives people what they want within his capabilities. They also know that inspiring other people or their group members is one of the best way to achieve their goal. (Heathfield, 2015)

This video will give an idea on how to inspire other people:

Isn’t this video is amazing? The idea of this video is just simply saying that leaders: model the behavior you want to see, connect with the people you lead, and involve them wherever you can. Remember, to inspire others, they need to feel they belong.  (Parker, 2013)

Heathfield, S. (2015). Retrieved from Leadership Inspiration:
Parker, S. (2013, August 09). Retrieved from Inspiring Leadership: Lead Simply:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Communication Lead to Success

When it comes to communicating, there are effective ways to do it. There are some facts that effects on how someone interacts, whether they do it poorly or effectively. You can have an effective communication skills by listening, being open-minded, and actively engaging with others.
A good leader knows how to communicate in an appropriate way manner. They need to receive information also from their group members, but also have the ability to provide information at the appropriate level. Good leader have a good listening skill, they know how to actively engage in listening, which means instead of just hearing what others say, they are actually taking in what someone is saying—understanding, remembering and relating to what is being said. Leaders that manage these behaviors are good at rephrasing what they have heard.
Developing your personal skills can help with communication developments. For example, building self-confidence can help you to feel more positive about yourself and your abilities - including your ability to communicate. You can develop your skills by working it through simple interactions. For example, having conversation with the sales lady at retail store when you are buying clothes. Another example, when you are presenting in class.
Here are some ways to better communicate:
  • ·       Make an eye contact - This is a technique whether you are talking or listening, looking into the eyes of the audience you can interface better.
  • ·       Make your words, gestures, expressions and tone of your voice are match.
  • ·       Speak clearly – practice makes perfect
  • ·       Use a volume that is appropriate for the setting – speak louder when you are talking to larger group.

Remember that a good leader has a strong communication skill which help lead to success. If you want to be a leader, make sure you know how to listen to others, express yourself properly, and be yourself.

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you find it interesting and helpful.


Humes, J. (2015). Fressh Business Thinking. Retrieved from The Art of Communication is the Language of Leadership:

Sunday, March 22, 2015

No Self-confidence, No Leadership

Self-confidence is one of skill that will guide you to be a good leader. You can use it as a tool to show with people around you that being confident will help you to reach your goal. Most of the people stating that when a leader has a strong self-confidence he or she will make it far until he/she succeed.

All the time I say that, “Trust yourself, before you trust others” because I’ve learned that if you don’t trust yourself, nothing will happen to you. Before, I was afraid to be a leader and I don’t have guts to handle a group since I don’t want to take the risks. I don’t want to repent myself for the negative results when it comes to group works.

Imagine that you are a team leader in one company, and you don’t trust your capabilities to do your work as a team leader. Do you think that your co-workers will trust you if they see that you are not confident enough to be their team leader? No, isn't?

One day I realized that I should be assertive in myself because I wanted to share my experience with others that before I was afraid to be a leader, but when I tried it many times, I've build-up and taught myself to be assured.

There is a video that I would want to share to help you to build up your self-confidence.

(Roberts, 2012)

As Andrew says, when you build your self-esteem it will benefit to your life because you always think in progressive ways. He also says, showing others that you’re determined it will inspire them. Isn’t amazing if you’re able to motivate others by showing them your high self-esteem?

At this time, if you really want to be a good role model or leader, show to others that you can guarantee  that you’re brave, risk taker, and able to make a decision without any fear and full of confident.

Thank you for reading. I hope you find it useful.

Roberts, A. (2012, September 03). Retrieved from Gaining Self Confidence - 5 Steps To Better Self Esteem: